11 Jun 2015

PUSHX3 MENTIONED IN TEE MAJOR FITNESS BLOG ARTICLE “The Three Best Pieces Of Home Gym Equipment You Can Own”

Read the latest article titled, “The Three Best Pieces Of Home Gym Equipment You Can Own” on the Tee Major Fitness blog at: http://www.teemajor.com/teemajorsblog/the-three-best-pieces-of-home-gym-equipment-you-can-own and see what @teemajor thinks you should have in your home gym tool kit.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

Looking to set up your very own home gym? If so, it’s helpful to know which pieces of equipment will offer you the best results for your investment.  After all, if you’re going to be putting in precious time doing these workouts, you want to get results. 

For those who simply don’t have the room to be storing a bunch of dumbbells or plate weight, there are space-saving options that can give you a fantastic workout and keep things interesting. 

Let’s look at the three best pieces of home gym equipment that you need to know about. 

The TRX Suspension Trainer 

First up you have the TRX suspension trainer, which is a device that allows you to suspend yourself in the air as you perform a series of different exercises. The variety with this device is excellent and you’ll quickly see why: you can hit both the lower body, the upper body, as well as the core – all at the same time. 

This suspension trainer is great for building strength and burning fat, so makes for an all around great tool for anyone regardless of what your goal happens to be. 

Check out this full workout showing how to integrate the TRX into a functional routine.



The PushX3

Next up on the list of must-have equipment for those who are looking for a challenging workout is the PushX3.  This device allows you to again, perform a wide variety of different exercises, all of which will target your strength levels. 

In particular, it’s excellent for working the main push-up muscles – the chest, shoulders, biceps, and triceps, and while doing so, you’ll also bring your core into play to a very large degree. 

The PushX3 allows you to get a complete core workout all while doing upper body moves, meaning you don’t need to devote so much time on a daily basis to training your core muscles in particular. 

As a result, this means excellent strength gains.  It’s fun to use and you’ll quickly start seeing great results. Be sure to experiment and try a number of different push-up varieties while doing your workouts with this for maximum results. 

Get the PushX3 here.

The Weighted Medicine Ball 

Finally the last piece of equipment to add to your mix is the weighted medicine ball.  Medicine balls are great because they can be used in a number of different ways, including strength training, cardio, and core workouts. 

Weighted medicine balls do come in different weight levels, so just be sure that you select a level that’s going to be most challenging for you, while still allowing for enough versatility to use it for a number of exercises. 

You can hold your medicine ball while doing squats, lunges, step-ups, deadlifts, and use it just as you would a barbell to perform shoulder presses, bench presses, and even rows.

So keep these three pieces of equipment in mind if you’re looking to set up your very own home gym.  Get them in place and you’ll be seeing results in no time. 

Check out this full workout that integrates the medicine ball.








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